Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm beginning to doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion

Rachel: I could cover him in sparkly glitter.
Claire: Marshmellow fluff is quite sparkly.

Edward: Say what I am. Say it outloud!
Claire: Stalker!!

Edward *sparkling*: This is what I am.
Seb: Sweaty?

The Quotable Seb

It's not chivalry, it's beer. Some things are more important than gender politics.

I've just made 236 women gay.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Also, pool tables

Seb: It's nice to see a kitchen being used for cooking.
Jenn: As opposed to...
Amy and Rachel *looking at each other*: Sex?


Amy: The British ones are so stiff.

Christmas cookies!

Rachel: We should put the cookie dough in the fridge.
Claire: Oh right, it says "chill" [on the recipe] and I figured, we're in England...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Please mind the gap between the train and the platform

Rachel: Wow that's a wide gap
Rachel: *trips over the gap*

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More political insight from my brother

Robby: Obama has to be the anti-Christ. People like him too much to not be. not sure if this is the exact quote, but you get the idea.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

It's a science, damn it!

Becca: The social scientist in me really wants everything to completely collapse so I could watch and see what happens. But that would probably be bad.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Twilight quotes and then some

Jenn directing Claire: Get off the tube and follow the screaming.

Claire: I wouldn't say 'I want to have your babies,' I just want to have sex with you.

Girl in front of us: Are you Mormon?
Us: Oh god no. awkward pause Why, are you?

Rachel: We're nerdier than Amy
Claire: Oh yeah we're dirtier than Amy, what did she say like when we're talking about our sex lives...

Jenn: Where is he (Robert Pattinson)? Can you see him?
Rachel: I don't... Oh wait! No! I see his hair!

Jenn: Acceptance is the first step
Seb: No, having a drink is the first step.

Walking past a Friend's Meeting House on Euston Rd
Rachel: Maybe I should become a Quaker.
Jenn: Oh, I wouldn't like to be in control of so many lives.
Rachel: Whaaa...
Jenn: Plus the whole suicide thing would freak me out.
Rachel: WHAT???
Jenn: Remember we were talking about people jumping in front of trains?
Rachel: What... does that have to do with Quakers?
Jenn: Oh, I thought you said tube driver.

Rachel: It's only when I started to ship them in my head. pause I am my own fandom.

Rachel: throwing houses on the monopoly board What? I don't have a degree in urban design.

Seb: Nothing is completely evil. Even the Wehrmacht made good cars.

Kaite: I'm very gay but I'm attracted to guys like David Tennant. If he asks very nicely, I would have sex with him. pause I'm David Tennant-sexual.

Claire: If you google Claire you'll find chocolate wrappers.

Nick: Dairy. Dairy is good.
Amy [?]: But it's so broad.
Nick: And Christianity isn't?

Seb: Notch, notch, notch
Rachel: Was she counting her conquests on your knife?
Seb: It's not long enough.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Best out of context:

Anonymous: well.. starbucks would be good cause its cold outside
Anonymous: but im down for anything. i'd invite her here... but pretty much my room is the only place i would want her

Friday, December 05, 2008

Family Conversations

Robby (my brother): You're not a baby killer like my mom is, are you?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Puff paint. yes. really.

Rachel: You should suck on it
Claire: But I wanted to blow it

Rachel: i am having a super nerd day tomorrow
Becca: you're not a nerd
Rachel: did i tell you we are going to a recording of mugglecast
Becca: how fun! i take it back

Saturday, November 29, 2008

If there was any doubt about our nerd status...

Claire: So it's like... I want to give up my life and my soul so I don't get older than Robert Pattinson?
Rachel: Actually, it's Edward Cullen, but yeah.
Claire: It makes more sense if it's Robert Pattinson.

Seb *explaining why he can't write sex scenes*: Also, my main characters are 15.
Rachel: You could have flash forward into the future sex...?
Claire: Like the epilogue in Harry Potter? But with sex?

Claire: This is so awesome! Thanks for putting the idea in my head
Rachel: What idea?
Claire: Nano. [pause] Also, Julia Quinn.

Kaite *on the phone*: Speaking of sex, I'm in the middle of writing of threesome.

Claire: That was like the third time I'd seen him and he was like CRAZY, like maybe he was Stefanie Meyers' dad...
Claire: You should say it's the guy who blesses people on the Victoria line, because I'm sure people know him.

Claire: Do you know wizard rock?
Kaite: *shakes head*
Claire [business-like] oh, okay, we need to do that.

Seb: Why is it quarter to eight already?
Kaite: Jesus!
Seb: Naw, I don't think he did it.

Seb: I can't remember from our discussion last year. Is it cheating if your character has the same dream twice?
Rachel: No! Come on. Haven't you read Order of The Phoenix?

Jenn: She's pregnant, so she had to at least have dabbled...
Rachel: Well, her husband was abusive....
Jenn: Okay, dabbled or raped, those are the options.

Quote round up (nanowrimo love scene edition)

Rachel: What did we ever do before the internet?
Seb: I'll ask Google.

Claire (to Nimbus): If you want hurt someone just write a novel. You can kill undergraduates. 

Seb (on the quick quotes quill): That would be awesome. "And then stuff happens." Fifteen minutes later you'd have Twilight.

Jenn: So you were planning social entrapment on JK Rowling?
Amy: ... Basically yes.

Claire: I forcered her awake by being awake
Jenn: She forced me awake by talking incessantly
Claire: That's what I call being awake

Jenn: She had sex last year.

Rachel: Well, I kind of lied.
Seb: Did you lie up or did you lie down?
Rachel: I lied down.... hey....

Claire *excitedly*: I learned how to conjugate the verb 'thrust'!

Claire: Now I wish I hadn't sent you the sex scene.

Rachel: *reading the aforementioned sex scene*: "Complete this scene?"
Claire: Well yeah it needs to be finished, you know
Everyone else: *bursts into laughter*

James: What kind of sex are you having that lasts 4,000 words? And where can I get it?

Claire: Someone said you were a bad influence.
Rachel: What?!
Jenn: No one said that. She doesn't understand English very well.

Rachel: I've got an epilogue and a sexilogue.
Jenn: Have you written your climax scene then?

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Rachel: I drank this much Scotch gesturing on camera . And it wasn't even watered down with whiskey.


Becca: Am I off the speed dial now?
Rachel: Yes. You're no longer going to be a bridemaid.
Becca: What else can I do to solidify that?
Jenn: We need to write that down!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Power Share

Rachel: I feel like we should be putting condoms on our power cords.
Claire: If you're implying that you're going to make little baby computers, I want one.

Amy: I can't have nutella. No, not for the same reasons. I just... quit.
Amy: Okay, just one.

Claire: Do you know the Dr from ER? I'm not sure he's Serbian but he's really cute!

Claire: Yeahhhh Sometimes discipline means no life.

And an old one:
Becca: I'm just saying that I view relationships--
Rachel: As being taken by aliens?
Becca: ...differently than you.

You've got to get up pretty early in the morning to kill that many people

We were discussing ways to kill people (in a game setting).
Jason: I know, you're sick.
Becca: No, just creative.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The results are in

Random American: Where are you from?
Seb: Brighton. The only state that can't vote.
American: Ah, the US of K.

Jenn: Who pours liquid in a cup?

Seb: What was I doing?
Rachel: Defriending all your friends who voted for prop 8?
Seb: I don't have any of those
Rachel: Neither do I. They're all family.
Seb:Easier to get rid of then.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Tim: so a teammate of mine from san diego was a pinata for halloween
Tim: ... and caught himself on fire
Tim: i dont know the whole story, but there were candles
Tim: and him wrapped in paper
Tim: and fire

Dinner music

George (my uncle): Clint, why did you think it was a good idea to cue up F*$& the Police for dinner music?
Clint: I didn't play it!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Some more

Claire (as Rita Skeeter): So what magazines do you read?
Rachel (as Sarah Palin): Oh you know, all of 'em.

Rachel: Are you sleeping?
Jenn (lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway): No.
Rachel: Are you meditating?
Jenn: No.
Rachel: Are you studying the ceiling?
Jenn: No. I'm trying to decide what special powers the stone will have.

Claire: We could host a write in at our place
Rachel: potluck dinner
Claire: potluck? What smoking lucky pot?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Taboo and novel-writing

Jenn: It's a very stereotypical thing that [French people] wear on their heads.
Lefke: A baguette? 

Jenn: Where does the wine come from?
Claire: A graveyard?

Jenn: Rachel is this by virue of having no... guardians
Lefke: An orphan?
Seb: What's wrong with Harry Potter?

Rachel: [word: saddle shoes] After sneaker I was like 'fuck that shit' and I moved on

Lefke [word: surgery]: You might not live through it
Jenn: Death

Lefke: [word: toothfairy] It collects your bodily parts.

Jenn: [word: stubble] George Clooney has this on his lower region & under his mouth 
Claire: Gorgeousness.

Lefke: [two hours after playing Taboo] I don't even know what Taboo is.

Rachel: Well, they might have sex, just not on screen.
Seb: If it doesn't happen on screen it doesn't happen, no matter what Harry and Ginny shippers say.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well they should be.

Becca: There should be a yearly tax for being a moron.

And this one needs a picture to go with it.

Natalie Miller: Points to the little candle holders We can use these as shot glasses! pause I'm the f*#%ing Martha Stewart of alcoholism!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Becca: She has a rather imaginative imagination

Rachel: You would have been the only one
Sue: Not dating Rob?
Tim: Well, Chris has, and Lauren has, so yeah.

Tim: I had a party once when they were coming home later that night.
Rachel: What made you think that was a good idea?
Tim: Well it wasn't so much a party as me and Katie getting drunk.

Tim: No, I'm not stupid. I know how to play beer pong with hard liquor, trust me. 

Tim: Why do you have to put that on there? That's private Tim information.

Becca: This is me being allowed to be kind of evil. I don't need to be drunk to do that.

Tim: I don't know, do you like, pet a baby or what? I'm allergic to babies.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Becca: I'm not ticklish
Rachel: I'm not tickling you, I'm poking you
Becca: I'm not pokalish

drinking game

Rachel: Wait, really?
Becca: Yes, I have to prepare for tomorrow
Rachel: So being hungover will help?
Becca: it can't hurt!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Save me google!

Rob: Effing useless internet!
Becca: not finding you a stripper?
Rob: Actually, I'm trying to find a Benjamin Franklin impersonator.
Becca: not even gonna go there - too easy

Friday, October 03, 2008

Say it ain't so, Joe

Seb: Think of it this way. It sounds cliché to you but he'd probably never heard it before.

Claire [French girl]: I want to get some woolen thighs like they have here. [She means tights.]

Rachel: The fundamentals of the American economy are strong.
Seb: Yeah, they're also drunk.

Claire: Guys, I'm making stuff to throw at the TV if you want to help yourself...

Seb: I've just had a scary thought. If we get drunk enough, will she [Palin] start to make sense?

Claire: It's so much easier to drink in English. I just feel Englishish.

Rachel: In what country is that the size of a shot?
Amy: Texas?

Lefke: Are you writing down quotes? Can I see?
Rachel: No, they're beer-soaked.

Claire: Who is she winking at? Is she having an affair with the camera man?

Amy: You know, the first time I was drunk I found it very helpful to throw animal crackers at people.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Semper ubi...

Rob: I've been running a lot, so I'm quite happy to stand there in my chones.
I've got nothing to hide.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Couchsurfers = nerds

Jenn: Did you want the wedding ring instead of the pearl earrings? Because I would think that the earrings are more wearable.

Amy: Can we watch Land Before Time clips on youtube?

Claire: He's a magical toad. Why does Wormtail get to live and Trevor the Toad has to die?
Rachel: Because Wormtail is an actual person and...
Claire: Wormtail's not a person, he's a... jerk.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's time to ask some hard questions about our relationships with animals

Colleague: Spider genitals could be sexy to some...

Jenn: Maybe you taste bad to lions if you're a Jehovah's Witness

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Return to London

Jenn: Hey maybe we'll get drunk at the Obama thing.

Jenn: Do you know what a funnel cake is?
Rachel: YES!
Jenn: Not you. I was asking the UK people.
UK people: *shake heads*

Jenn: A Renaissance faire is like America's version of England.
Seb: Yeah we call it a street.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Reason #573 why we are better than Bella Swan

Rebecca: she did put her foot down about one thing!
Rachel: what having sex before becoming a vampire?
Rebecca: yep
Rebecca: that would totally be the top thing on my lists of things to do before becoming a vampire
Rachel: ...
Rebecca: (i was being sarcastic)

Rachel: so when you come to visit again you'll be staying in our emo teen vampire brothel
Rebecca: well at least i'll get one to do off my list
i've been accused of being a vampire, so maybe it's too late
Rachel: why would that make it too late? have you been hanging out in emo teen brothels?
Rebecca: um, apparently there was a misunderstanding

Monday, August 18, 2008

A night with AFI

These quotes happened as Chris and I watched AFI's newest list in June, and Jessica watched on with amazement. Yes, they're old.

Chris: Westerns are like jazz.

Jessica: I need something to go with Jack.
Chris: How about ice?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Rachel: You said, 'Dot, dot, dot.'

Rachel: I can't do things that involve things.

Rachel: No, you know what I mean. I can't do athletic things that involve athleticy things.

Rachel: You have to smooth corners to be a diplomat. It's glossing over the whole 'we bombed your country 10 years ago.'

na Exitu

rachel: how old do you think he is?
jessie: married.

random group of drunk english: *singing* we love you serbia! we do!
seb & rachel: *run away laughing*
seb: I think I want to change my nationality
rachel: I just had a flashback to 1915...

flyer guy: do you want to study in London?
seb: I live in London
flyer girl: I could have told you he was English

and more along the same lines...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's a new game!

Tim: All I heard is, 'Are you a contributer to the groping.' Yes, but...

Paige: If I were masturbating, pretty much the freakiest thing I can think of is a bunch of my girlfriends around me cheering me on to get off.

Carly: I don't know what that means. Oh yes I do. It's all in the name.

Paige: It's like back rubs.

Paige: We're going to look at porn together.

Tim: Yeah! Sex!

Jessica: I think taking a picture of yourself in a dress and charging people to see it is a little like pornography.

Becca: I mean, how often do two of your best friends get married? Not that often.... well twice, I guess.

Rob: Oh, that's easy. You just sleep with her, then make a copy of the key in the morning while she's still asleep.

Jessica: (in a text message) And you didn't even need to sleep with me to get our key.

There's one more, but I honestly think that it's a little too adult content to put here, and it's not just because I don't want to type it. Plus, the speaker doesn't want his/her name attached to the quote, and I don't think that's allowed.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

It's now the perma-party

Tony: Do it with your brother's fiance.

Tony: Who wants to jump in the wiener?

Patrick: Where's Tony? Is he in the wiener pool?

Patrick: What, it's not that bad. It probably came out of my mouth and I just put it back in.

Liz: What was the result of the taste test?
Patrick: Something Dorito-y.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You Are What You Eat

Jessica (referring to someone's Chipotle meal): It looked and smelled amazing! Actually, it looked like poop and smelled like fart.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Interesting Aroma

Jessica: That's like kicking with the hand.

Chris: I think Jessica smelled some Muggles in the bathroom.

Chris: Your slate is wiped clean.
Jessica: I'm a slave to white plains?

I'm not going to say that watching Reefer Madness had anything to do with these quotes, but...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Eurovision: we are wolves of the sea

Presenter: Welcome to our Europe-long party

Terry Wogan (British commentator): "Gel-ena" (Jelena)

Jessie: Doesn't this remind you of the Sesame Street song?
Rachel: "all night long"? (Denmark)

Jenn: Maybe she's blind
Seb: That would explain the dress (Georgia)

Seb: That's the 'dear Vlad don't send the tanks in' vote. (Ukraine for Russia)

Rachel: The Irish love pirates (Ireland for Latvia)

Jenn: Russia has iceskates and political voting... so they win.

Russian entry: You are incredible... because of us.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Around Sac-Town

Song: Buck naked in the eye of the Lord.
Aunt: What's that mean to you?
Cousin: God's a perv.

Becca: I'm perfectly secure in my own importance.

Professor: Unfortunately, they didn't lay down the methodological smackdown that you want.

Friday, May 02, 2008

How do you exist?

"How can I be a bridge if you people don't even know your own countries?" -- Jenn, the anglo-american
"So what's x-factor?" --Seb

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Don't rub it in

Rob: Nah, I'm just messing with you. I'm worried if you start watching they'll cancel the show.

Keepin it Alive

Rob: I'm genuinely worried my brother might do something stupid.
Becca: What's he up to?
Rob: Honestly I don't know the answer to that question, but I think alcohol might somehow be a catalyst. He shared a few words with me, and by "words" I mean it was like reading one of those e-mail forwards about words with jumbled letters yet you can still understand them.
Becca: I doubt he can get into too much trouble, no matter how much liquor is involved.
Rob: You underestimate the power of Tim. One can never truly estimate his capacity for ingenuity and stupidity.

Rob: It's the Lazynberg Uncertainty Principle. You won't know until you actually try to do something. You cannot be simultaneously lazy and non-lazy.
Becca: I can too. I'm the kitty in the box.
Rob: Then what is the litter a metaphor for?
Becca: Not that box.

Becca: Getting pissy is the prerogative of a girlfriend - I thought you would have learned this by now. long break in the conversation Obviously this information has rendered you typeless. I'm sorry to have to be the one to break it to you.

Becca: Do you think it would be wrong to have Newcastle with breakfast tomorrow?
Rob: Depends, if you pour it in your cereal, I think that's acceptable.

Rob: Number of ideas shot down by Becca: 458,346,789.364
Number of ideas not shot down by Becca: 4.
Becca: I missed 4?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Three in a row...

Becca:Sorry - two nights in a row is all I'm good for

Becca:I wouldn't want to keep you from yourself
Rob:It's just me, without a shirt on and using a measuring tape
Rob:What's the big deal?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Late night confessions

Cleaned up from an IM conversation.

Rob: This is bad. I'm like you and now I hate myself.
Becca: So you think I hate myself, or you hate me?
Rob: I hate me for being like you.
Becca: And therefore you hate anyone like me, me included.
Rob: Nah. You being you is fine. It's me being you that I hate.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Rob:My brain hears the word foil and works through the following checklist: Literary term, algebra, and lastly, kitchen-ware.
Becca:same with me
Becca:i have to think that's abnormal

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Order of the Stick

Patrick: Don't attempt my stick!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

DEWM Party

Finally found them.

I've never been romantically attracted to a guy, but I consider myself bi-approachable.

Brian: My body by itself is very smooth.

Lauren: Tim, we have to stick together at the wedding.
Tim: What wedding?

Chris: Tim want tequila. Give him apple juice.
Jessica: We don't have any.
Chris: I'll go make some.
Becca: As long as it burns on the way down.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Law & Order: Bakersfield

Jessica: Would you ever hire anyone to rape and kill me?
Chris: You know how I feel about outsourcing.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

World Cup 2010

R: Can you drink all day?
J: Yes. basically you just watch football matches and drink all day.
R: I could go for that. How is it different from reading romance novels and drinking all day? [pause] No sex?
J:Well, there's a lot of guys, I think we can work that in.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Please don't go there

Why am I the only one posting anything here? Hop to it, friends.

Professor: If economics were American Idol, Cantillon would be Ruben Studdard, and Adam Smith would be the red-haired kid, Clay Aiken, because Cantillon said it first, just like Ruben won, but Smith is who everybody remembers, like Aiken.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

The truth comes out

Jessica: Stupid ring! pause Not that I don't like it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

At least something came out of the Dark Ages

Taking after Rachel, I think I'll post funny quotes from my readings.

"Obsessive anxiety, it seems, was the gross national product of the Middle Ages."

Monday, February 25, 2008

Uncle Milty

Professor (describing a visit with another professor): And then his four year old daughter came in, and in the idea of "dance monkey dance" he asked her, 'What does Uncle Milty say?' The daughter stood stock still and replied, 'Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. G'night daddy!' and gave him a kiss.

I want a four year old to brainwash (just not my own),

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

ring in the new

Rachel: I hope it's good, I picked it out.
Jessica: Which one is it, Ravenclaw?
Rachel:... Ravenwood.

Tim: So if the parachute doesn't open, that's emotional, right?

Rachel: She got a boyfriend.
Tim: Him [Patrick]?

Becca: Caress it like a lover.

Becca: Tim's used to being single.

Becca: Did you shoot your... cooch?

Jess: People don't give penises clothes (12:30 am)

Jess: I think I shot baby Jesus.

Jess: I can't help that I'm naturally sexy.

Chris (?): And there's only one stop light between beer and my house.