Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quote round up (nanowrimo love scene edition)

Rachel: What did we ever do before the internet?
Seb: I'll ask Google.

Claire (to Nimbus): If you want hurt someone just write a novel. You can kill undergraduates. 

Seb (on the quick quotes quill): That would be awesome. "And then stuff happens." Fifteen minutes later you'd have Twilight.

Jenn: So you were planning social entrapment on JK Rowling?
Amy: ... Basically yes.

Claire: I forcered her awake by being awake
Jenn: She forced me awake by talking incessantly
Claire: That's what I call being awake

Jenn: She had sex last year.

Rachel: Well, I kind of lied.
Seb: Did you lie up or did you lie down?
Rachel: I lied down.... hey....

Claire *excitedly*: I learned how to conjugate the verb 'thrust'!

Claire: Now I wish I hadn't sent you the sex scene.

Rachel: *reading the aforementioned sex scene*: "Complete this scene?"
Claire: Well yeah it needs to be finished, you know
Everyone else: *bursts into laughter*

James: What kind of sex are you having that lasts 4,000 words? And where can I get it?

Claire: Someone said you were a bad influence.
Rachel: What?!
Jenn: No one said that. She doesn't understand English very well.

Rachel: I've got an epilogue and a sexilogue.
Jenn: Have you written your climax scene then?

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