Monday, December 08, 2008

Twilight quotes and then some

Jenn directing Claire: Get off the tube and follow the screaming.

Claire: I wouldn't say 'I want to have your babies,' I just want to have sex with you.

Girl in front of us: Are you Mormon?
Us: Oh god no. awkward pause Why, are you?

Rachel: We're nerdier than Amy
Claire: Oh yeah we're dirtier than Amy, what did she say like when we're talking about our sex lives...

Jenn: Where is he (Robert Pattinson)? Can you see him?
Rachel: I don't... Oh wait! No! I see his hair!

Jenn: Acceptance is the first step
Seb: No, having a drink is the first step.

Walking past a Friend's Meeting House on Euston Rd
Rachel: Maybe I should become a Quaker.
Jenn: Oh, I wouldn't like to be in control of so many lives.
Rachel: Whaaa...
Jenn: Plus the whole suicide thing would freak me out.
Rachel: WHAT???
Jenn: Remember we were talking about people jumping in front of trains?
Rachel: What... does that have to do with Quakers?
Jenn: Oh, I thought you said tube driver.

Rachel: It's only when I started to ship them in my head. pause I am my own fandom.

Rachel: throwing houses on the monopoly board What? I don't have a degree in urban design.

Seb: Nothing is completely evil. Even the Wehrmacht made good cars.

Kaite: I'm very gay but I'm attracted to guys like David Tennant. If he asks very nicely, I would have sex with him. pause I'm David Tennant-sexual.

Claire: If you google Claire you'll find chocolate wrappers.

Nick: Dairy. Dairy is good.
Amy [?]: But it's so broad.
Nick: And Christianity isn't?

Seb: Notch, notch, notch
Rachel: Was she counting her conquests on your knife?
Seb: It's not long enough.

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