Saturday, November 29, 2008

If there was any doubt about our nerd status...

Claire: So it's like... I want to give up my life and my soul so I don't get older than Robert Pattinson?
Rachel: Actually, it's Edward Cullen, but yeah.
Claire: It makes more sense if it's Robert Pattinson.

Seb *explaining why he can't write sex scenes*: Also, my main characters are 15.
Rachel: You could have flash forward into the future sex...?
Claire: Like the epilogue in Harry Potter? But with sex?

Claire: This is so awesome! Thanks for putting the idea in my head
Rachel: What idea?
Claire: Nano. [pause] Also, Julia Quinn.

Kaite *on the phone*: Speaking of sex, I'm in the middle of writing of threesome.

Claire: That was like the third time I'd seen him and he was like CRAZY, like maybe he was Stefanie Meyers' dad...
Claire: You should say it's the guy who blesses people on the Victoria line, because I'm sure people know him.

Claire: Do you know wizard rock?
Kaite: *shakes head*
Claire [business-like] oh, okay, we need to do that.

Seb: Why is it quarter to eight already?
Kaite: Jesus!
Seb: Naw, I don't think he did it.

Seb: I can't remember from our discussion last year. Is it cheating if your character has the same dream twice?
Rachel: No! Come on. Haven't you read Order of The Phoenix?

Jenn: She's pregnant, so she had to at least have dabbled...
Rachel: Well, her husband was abusive....
Jenn: Okay, dabbled or raped, those are the options.

Quote round up (nanowrimo love scene edition)

Rachel: What did we ever do before the internet?
Seb: I'll ask Google.

Claire (to Nimbus): If you want hurt someone just write a novel. You can kill undergraduates. 

Seb (on the quick quotes quill): That would be awesome. "And then stuff happens." Fifteen minutes later you'd have Twilight.

Jenn: So you were planning social entrapment on JK Rowling?
Amy: ... Basically yes.

Claire: I forcered her awake by being awake
Jenn: She forced me awake by talking incessantly
Claire: That's what I call being awake

Jenn: She had sex last year.

Rachel: Well, I kind of lied.
Seb: Did you lie up or did you lie down?
Rachel: I lied down.... hey....

Claire *excitedly*: I learned how to conjugate the verb 'thrust'!

Claire: Now I wish I hadn't sent you the sex scene.

Rachel: *reading the aforementioned sex scene*: "Complete this scene?"
Claire: Well yeah it needs to be finished, you know
Everyone else: *bursts into laughter*

James: What kind of sex are you having that lasts 4,000 words? And where can I get it?

Claire: Someone said you were a bad influence.
Rachel: What?!
Jenn: No one said that. She doesn't understand English very well.

Rachel: I've got an epilogue and a sexilogue.
Jenn: Have you written your climax scene then?

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Rachel: I drank this much Scotch gesturing on camera . And it wasn't even watered down with whiskey.


Becca: Am I off the speed dial now?
Rachel: Yes. You're no longer going to be a bridemaid.
Becca: What else can I do to solidify that?
Jenn: We need to write that down!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Power Share

Rachel: I feel like we should be putting condoms on our power cords.
Claire: If you're implying that you're going to make little baby computers, I want one.

Amy: I can't have nutella. No, not for the same reasons. I just... quit.
Amy: Okay, just one.

Claire: Do you know the Dr from ER? I'm not sure he's Serbian but he's really cute!

Claire: Yeahhhh Sometimes discipline means no life.

And an old one:
Becca: I'm just saying that I view relationships--
Rachel: As being taken by aliens?
Becca: ...differently than you.

You've got to get up pretty early in the morning to kill that many people

We were discussing ways to kill people (in a game setting).
Jason: I know, you're sick.
Becca: No, just creative.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The results are in

Random American: Where are you from?
Seb: Brighton. The only state that can't vote.
American: Ah, the US of K.

Jenn: Who pours liquid in a cup?

Seb: What was I doing?
Rachel: Defriending all your friends who voted for prop 8?
Seb: I don't have any of those
Rachel: Neither do I. They're all family.
Seb:Easier to get rid of then.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Tim: so a teammate of mine from san diego was a pinata for halloween
Tim: ... and caught himself on fire
Tim: i dont know the whole story, but there were candles
Tim: and him wrapped in paper
Tim: and fire

Dinner music

George (my uncle): Clint, why did you think it was a good idea to cue up F*$& the Police for dinner music?
Clint: I didn't play it!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Some more

Claire (as Rita Skeeter): So what magazines do you read?
Rachel (as Sarah Palin): Oh you know, all of 'em.

Rachel: Are you sleeping?
Jenn (lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway): No.
Rachel: Are you meditating?
Jenn: No.
Rachel: Are you studying the ceiling?
Jenn: No. I'm trying to decide what special powers the stone will have.

Claire: We could host a write in at our place
Rachel: potluck dinner
Claire: potluck? What smoking lucky pot?