Saturday, March 27, 2010

Twihard Drinking Game aka "You don't know how you've tortured me.

Becca: I brought clothes for church tomorrow in case I have to drink too much.
Jess: Have to drink too much?
Becca: They're rules! I have to follow the rules.

Doris: So if they have kids, they're kids can't have kids.
Elizabeth: They're like donkeys.
Jess: Wait. Why aren't donkeys extinct.
Doris: Donkeys are donkeys, horses are horses. But mules are different.

Doris: It's kind of what whatever is hosting it wants to force everybody else to read.

Jess: You can either see the movie or you can drive home, but I can't do both.

Becca: Fade away usually mean something that we can't show and keep our rating.
Elizabeth: He ate her.

Edward: You better hold on tight, spider monkey.

Jess: Oh my God, kiss already.
Doris: He moves so very fast.

Meyer: They really enhanced the scene (Muse).
Becca: They would have enhance it if they had actually played baseball.

Elizabeth: to Chris Suck on the fruit.
Jess: What did you just say to my husband?

Becca: I can't find the right buttons.

Elizabeth: They're chocolate and.... heat flavored! (referring to Twilight flavored Sweethearts)

Elizabeth: Movies that make me cry can't be our drinking game movies.
Becca: But it's a screwball comedy!
Elizabeth: Schinlder's List?????

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