Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Tim: Give her the water with the poison in it....
*Jessica and Lauren glare at Tim*
Tim: Not the deadly poison!

Rob: It looks like dirt.
Tim: It looks like nature.

Chris: Booze has raped my memory.

Becca: Did you just call me simple?
Jess: Cynical!

Jess: If it's not a violent crime, I'm just not interested.

During fantasy football draft
Becca: Let's play Final Fantasy soccer!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Gaming... not the nerdy kind

While playing Taboo...
Becca: I did this at summer camp for a few summers...
Chris: Slept around?
Becca: It was my job!

Chris: Blank me Elmo!
Matt: Tickle was, like, the fourth or fifth thing I thought of...

While discussing Taboo...
Matt: Now, what exactly are the properties of the Magic Asshole?
Becca: It's impenetrable from attack!
Chris: Attack from where?
Matt: Behind!

More to come...

Friday, August 03, 2007

International quote round up

Australian girl: You're from a place called Bakersfield? could you be any more small town America?

Dutch guy: You can get a good bottle of wine from the new world for half what European wine costs. So I think colonialism was a good thing.

Polish girl: I'm Polish; I don't have blood, I have beer. That's why we're so pale.


Becca: Lord of the Rings is like Zinfandel. pause What? It is!