Monday, January 23, 2006

New Year's Eve

Where ever you find us, you'll find alcohol. Where ever you find us & alcohol, you will find quotes.

"I don't think I'm a Martini girl," said I, after sampling Chris' v strong martini.
"I don't think I am either," said Chris.

"See: easy in, easy out. Ahhh..." said Chris, demonstrating his new wine opener, of course.

"I don't... snow," said I, in response to Tim's generous inviation to Mamoth. Or however it's spelled.

That's all I can remember off-hand, and, unlike Lazy Becs, I didn't take notes.


Me said...

I'm lazy because I take notes? I don't think it works that way. Well, I might be lazy because I now no longer have to take notes, I give the responsibility to others. And you forgot part of the quote.

"I don't think I am either." pause "Except substitute boy for girl."

Rachel said...

Like i said, no notes.

You are lazy because you take notes and then never post the quotes.