Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Kisses for Becca

Rebecca: i see "muah" and i think "mwahahaha"
Rebecca: as in evil
Rebecca: but really you mean it as something eviler

Overheard phone conversation

1: He said he wants a partner. Are you ready to jump into bed with him?
2: I'll be anybody's partner if they pay me enough.

What kind of company did I sign up to work for?

Free tips

I read this today at lunch and it made me laugh:

(about cards people leave in restaurants along with tips)
"Jesus Can Save You! - No thanks, I updated my memory card at the last save point."

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Chris: Fungineering...sounds like it has something to do with mushrooms.


Last night Gabe and I were discussing a mutual friend's ex-boyfriend.

Me: He introduced me to Harry Connick Jr.
Gabe: Really??
Me: Not... literally.

Dream quotes

Last night I dreamt I had a great quote for this blog, except now I don't remember the quote. I just remember that the quote was great.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Harking back to 2000

Chris, pointing to Africa on his globe: See, Chad! What a great guy... hangs out a lot in Florida.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Anything's possible?

Random guy at work: Short of having a baby, I can do anything, given enough money.
Becca's mind: Hmmm, given enough money I bet he could have a baby.

But why is it that pregnancy is the end all of things men can't do? They also can't lick the back of their head with their tongue, but I've never heard anybody mention that one.

Monday, January 23, 2006

New Year's Eve

Where ever you find us, you'll find alcohol. Where ever you find us & alcohol, you will find quotes.

"I don't think I'm a Martini girl," said I, after sampling Chris' v strong martini.
"I don't think I am either," said Chris.

"See: easy in, easy out. Ahhh..." said Chris, demonstrating his new wine opener, of course.

"I don't... snow," said I, in response to Tim's generous inviation to Mamoth. Or however it's spelled.

That's all I can remember off-hand, and, unlike Lazy Becs, I didn't take notes.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Since I was stranded in socal this weekend, I have no quotes from friends to share. Instead I shall share two quotes from scrubs that humored me.

You know, thats the worst thing about college football. The male cheerleaders. Oops, god, thats a chick...

Dr. Clark (Heather Graham's character): Perry, no one's pure evil. But I mean yah, some people have a hard outer shell, but inside everybody has a creamy center.
Dr. Cox: There are plenty of people here on this particular planet who are hard on the outside and hard on the inside.
Dr. Clark: So the have more of a nuggetty center?
Dr. Cox: Lady, people aren't chocolates. You know what the are? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Rachel exclaims with glee upon spying a half-filled bag of flaming hot cheetos on Becca's dresser.
Rachel: Are those what I think they are?
Becca: Yah, I got them for you.
Rachel: But why did you eat half of them?

Ketchup (or is it Ketsup...maybe it's spelled Catch Up...)

Becca: I can help you dumb it down. I'm dumb.
Rachel: No. mumbled I need Chris for that.

Rachel: I don't know any men.
Becca: You don't know any men? What are Rob and Chris?
Rachel: Boys.

Rachel, I've told you. I... am... lazy. - Becca

I already told you. I... am... stupid. - Chris

Philosophy majors - we shatter other people's realities. - Jessica and Becca

Democracy is a boy. - Rachel

I concentrate harder when I'm in the bathroom. - Chris

She only looks like that cuz you haven't had enough alcohol. - Tim

The category is aquatic mammals. - Chris
Seal. - Jessica
Lobster. pause Oh wait, that's not a mammal, its a crustacean. - Carly

I saw a bumpersticker that said, "What would Dumbledore do? - Jessica
Die. - Carly

You can pick Rob or alcohol. - unknown
I should have picked alcohol. - Rachel

War sucks. We shouldn't have it anymore. - Rachel

Nora Roberts writes about all kinds of stuff, you learn about all kinds of things, like gardening and architecture. - Rachel
Later: Archeology, it was archeology. - Rachel

And a few sheets of toilet paper... to add quality of life. - Rachel

Melville Pourer: So do you know each other from school? Or are you siblings?
Us: Yeah, from high school. Do we look like we're siblings?
Pourer: Well, not really. But you tease each other like siblings.

Chris: (while trying to poke Natalie at night)Poke. Poke.
Rob: Chris, that's my head.
Chris: Uh.

Becca: This pillow smells like boy.
Robert: Do you smell boys often?
Becca: Yeah, well, I have to get my fix.

Belgian women are easy. - Chris

You can't judge a book by its margin scribbles. - Rachel

Chris hands Rachel Pauls' drink to finish it off.
Rachel: No thanks, I don't want to drink after your brother.
Chris: Yeah, I can understand that. He kisses girls, after all.
Rachel: Exactly. takes a drink from Chris' glass Which is why I don't mind drinking after you.

You know that Harry is going to profess his unlying dove for Voldermort. - Rob

To fifteen year old boys! - Rob, in a toast

That's it, you're off the speed dial. - Rachel

So it had to be more than a booty call. - Chris

I'm a cul-de-sac. - Becca
That's good. - Heidi

I'm okay. - Robert, repeat 20 times

Chris: Heidi, you're undressing me.
Becca: Do not... stop there.

Becca: He won't be naked, he'll have a hat on.
Rachel: Try explaining that to a police officer. "I'm not naked, I have a hat on."
Chris: Well what if you were riding a horse?

Rachel and Chris' mom had been having a conversation about make-overs.
Becca: a little later You might try it now.
Rachel: But I don't have my make-up.
Becca: I was talking about the radio.

One bottle of Tequila: 10 dollars
One bottle of Rum: 13 dollars
Two screws to fix the toliet seat: 2 dollars and thirty nine cents
A night that will live on in infamy: priceless

Psychics? I thought it said physics! - Heidi

Chris: Hi, my name is Chris. Would you like a Wet One?
Heidi: Chris, that explains a lot about your love life.

Rachel: I wonder who I would be as a superhero.
Becca: You could be insubstantial girl.
Rachel: But what would be my power? I guess nobody could attack me. But then I couldn't get hugs.
Becca: I want to be insubstantial girl.

You're proof that you don't have to grow up when you graduate. - Mike

Girls can't mature until they've been dumped at least a couple times. - Chris

Hey, the same thing could apply to guys.... and how many people have you gone out with, Chris? - Heidi, after hearing about the above quote

Hey, I fed you pie. I'm allowed to betray you. - Becca

Rachel: So she could stay in the hotel and be proper, but she goes to the theater by herself instead.
Becca: So she's a hoodlum.
Rachel: No, she's just being her own woman.
Becca: She's a hoodlum.
Rachel: She's not a hoodlum. She just realizes she can break the rules now.
Becca: (in a knowing voice)That's what hoodlums do.

Grammer this up. - Chris

Becca: Way to change the world Chris.
Chris: Yes, one cheese ball at a time.

Don't make me go Darwin on your butt. - Becca and/or Chris

Even Winnebagos dream. - Chris