Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Congrats Natalie!

Carly: It's like having a disco ball on your mouth!

Rachel: We should get champagne!
Chris: We could get single malt scotch. It's like the champagne of scotch.

That annoying song Doncha Wish Your Girlfriend... comes on the sound system
Rachel/Natalie: Hey Becca, it's that song you hate!
Becca: No it's not! [chorus starts] Oh crap.

Rachel: I'm moving to the city that has the most per capita pubs... per capita.

1 comment:

Me said...

I thought it was more like:
Rachel/Carly: Hey, we have to leave since the song has come on!
Becca: But this isn't the (at the same exact time as the song) Dontcha wish.... ah crap.

But your version makes more sense.