Thursday, December 28, 2006


I can't find the first two papers with quotes on them from the holiday party, so more quotes will definitely be forthcoming. But here are such that I can currently find.

Chris: Robert made out with books tonight.

Robert: I interpret that really wrong.
Rachel: Oh Robert... your pants are wet.
Rachel: (a little later) The funny thing is, it's my fault.

Chris: I don't need a gym. I just need friends so that I can hurt myself.

Robert: We have no more open bottles of wine... except for Natalie.
Becca: Natalie is an open bottle of wine?

Robert: Everybody who's going to have nightmares, please raise your hand.
Chris raises his hand.
Chris: It's about me and I'm having nightmares, too.

Robert: Take pictures to your heart's content.
Jessica poses.
Robert: I didn't say act stupid to your hearts content.

Becca: Robert is a butthole.
Jessica: ... That I agree with.

Rachel: I wear things underneath my pants, but it doesn't make it any different when I take them off.

Jessica: Did I scare you?
Tim: No, Chris in a teddy, that scares me.

Tim: I don't think they should make salad dressing in a little squirt thing.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Chris: "So you like football players, huh?"
Jess: "Just the kicky kind."

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Supervision necessary

It falls to me to put the quotes down from last night, even though I didn't hear most of them.

I go to a very liberal school.
Rachel and Jessica: Really?
Patrick: Well, it's a liberal arts school.

Patrick: There are sects of sects. (say it out loud)

Chris: (to Becca) Let's go to the back room (everybody heard bathroom).
(Becca follows)
Rachel: (to Jessica) Should you be worried?
Jessica: (shrugs) Nah.
Rachel: Cause it's Becca, but then again, it's Becca.
Patrick: I don't know what you mean by that, but I see your point.

Jessica: If I had a penny for every time I've been in that predicament.... I'd have a penny. Actually, I'd have nothing.

Jessica: A sneeze is like a tenth of an orgasm.
Patrick: My girlfriend said that the other day. She loves them!
Jessica: Sneezes or orgasms?

Becca: (asking a Trivial Pursuit question) What did Florida attorney Ellis Rubin say inmates could donate in exchange for a reduced sentence?
Chris: Livers?
Patrick: Blood.
Rachel: Sperm!
Becca: Body parts. So Chris, you were right.
Rachel: I was right.
Chris and Jessica: Sperm is not a body part!

Chris: He's too drunk 'n stupor...

Chris: I rose my hand.

Patrick: Then he es-chewed.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Related quote

Rachel: You can be engaged without a ring.
Chris: Tell that to a girl.
Rachel: ...I am a girl!
Chris: Tell that to a real girl!

(Since when did I turn into Becca?)

PS, Tim, or Rob, put up the quotes from the party!


Some late quotes from a family dinner.

Jenny (my cousin):
So we're going to have a big ceremony (wedding) in a couple years.
Becca: Oh that's nic-
Jenny: And you will be a bridesmaid and you will wear a dress.
Becca: What!

Jenny: So Matt (her brother) is going to get married.
Becca: Oh, so he's engaged too?
Jenny: No, he's not engaged, he's just going to get married. He says.
Becca: Um, isn't the definition of "engaged" going to get married?

Tom (my great uncle): Oh, she's really getting married? I thought you were joking. I didn't think people got married when they got pregnant anymore.
Stephanie (my dad's half sister): Yeah, I didn't.

Monday, December 18, 2006


Patrick: I love it when they give you a book to read and you're like..... no.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Rachel: Are you ever gonna drink that koumquat liquer?
Robert: I don't know what I would drink it with.
Tim: Me!
Robert: What! not who!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The drinks go down and the quotes come up

Chris: You already told me that.
Rachel: I'm sorry, it's like you're the victim of my thoughts.
Jessica: That's very poetic.
Jessica: Something just squirted me.

Chris: So the head will taste really bad...

Rachel: Oh, Becca doesn't know what balls are.
All: aww
Rachel: I'm just kidding.
Becca: I played baseball until I was 13.
Rachel: I was talking about a different kind of ball...

Rachel: Do you know how hard it is to pee into a hole in the ground when you've been drinking?
Becca (a little bit later): That's a great idea! Portable toilets! Just add water!!

Rachel (to Chris): Do you want a drink?
Jess: No, he's driving.
Chris: Yeah I've had two beers and a drink. Actually one and a half beers. Actually just one beer and one drink. Well more like one drink.

Becca: He's the one with whom I have something in common.
Jessica and Rachel (in unison): WHAT?
Becca: Something in common... what?
Jessica & Rachel: .... nothing...

and something else I can't read.

Also a public apology to Becca.. I was angsting because I thought she had the quotes and wondering why she hadn't put them up yet, but then I looked in my wallet & saw that I still had them... so, sorry.