Thursday, March 30, 2006


Patrick and Chris, in a poking match. Chris: Hey, that's my cervix!

Rachel: It's about Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Chris: Eleanor of Accutane?

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Becca: He's just really bored.
Rob: Isn't having a wife supposed to cure that?

Becca: looking at the beginning of a Long Island God bless anything with that much alcohol.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The power of love

Chris: I like how they keep putting those titles together. It's like it says: "How I met your mother - a 48 hour mystery."

Becca: You need the power glove.
Chris: Did you say, "You need the power of love?"
Becca: Yes, only the power of love can save Link.
Chris: Who's love?
Becca: Mine.
Chris: Link's screwed.
Becca: Hey! Chris points at the screen as Link dies
Chris: You see!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Damn you alcohol!!!!

After a night of HEAVY drinking:
Nat: Damn you alcohol!!!!

Jess: So you are coming on me
Nat: Yes, I pulled out my invisible HUGE penis and came all over you
Jess: That's not what I meant
Nat: And then is came out your nose
Jess: Low blow
Nat: hahaha
Jess: That's what I was doing when it came out my nose

Jess: I just turned water into wine
Nat: You are JESUS!!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Thorwing things at cars

Jess: Wow! That made an awfully loud ding for a Frito. Maybe it's all that chili cheese.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Dude looks like a lady

Nat: I need to stop dressing up as unattractive men.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Along the tonic aisle

Chris: Maybe we should get some Mentadent
Rachel: How about a Venus Vibrance?
Chris: Venus Vibra--wha???

Monday, March 13, 2006


Chris: Becca doesn't wear shirts around people.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Did he just...?

Rob: My butt hole is getting really big.

Rob on why he needs a new pair of jeans.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Since we're on the theme of class quotes

PH: Hitler Youth was like Boy Scouts... I love making that analogy.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This quote is rated PG-13 for language

This happened in theater last night when my teacher, Alan Blumenfeld, was critiquing my scene.

Blumenfeld: Sure, I love three hours of fist up the ass jokes. Guys telling ya to suck their cocks. This is what Hollywood is like for women.
*Class laughing in shock*
Me: That's going on the quote page.
Blumenfeld: What?
Me: Nothing.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Becca: Emma... what's her name?
Rachel: Austin.
Becca: That's right Emma Austen... er no.
*Rachel gives evil stare*
Rachel: Jane...
Becca: Oh yeah, Jane Austin. Emma Thompson, Jane Austin... same person.

Corrected by Becca