Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Coming to America

Becca: I should get me one of those and put it on my desk.
Rachel and Chris (in unison): A lingerie?

Chris: Don't knock my British accent. Don't knock my cock pause ney.

Rachel: Have you seen my bum.
Becca: I really don't want to see your bum. pause. That's awesome.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Still in the closet

Brandon: It's gotten to the point where I'd rather be caught watching porn than playing WoW. pause At least I could explain the former.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Twilight: Eclipse

Matt: If humans get blue balls, what do vampires get?
Jon: Sparkly balls.
Jess: Disco balls!

Joe: Silence! I...have to speak.

Becca: Ah, I need a brother to come.

Matt: She was about to graduate... for the first time.

Joe: It's okay to fart!

Jon: There are two unlesses (to breaking up with someone as soon as you know its not going to work). 1: of you have concert tickets; or 2. you are about to have a birthday and you want your goddamn present.

Whitney: I don't know if you know, but I'm a world traveler and pretty dumb, so...

On drinking games

Robby: Can you guys stop sucking? I'm getting thirsty.

On Multitasking

Brandon: That's how you break a woman down.
Becca: What? Stop her ability to multitask?
Brandon: Yeah, see usually she can listen to you and filter the bullshit. You remove that and next thing you know she's making you breakfast.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

I'm a bad influence

Becca Jennings: stop making me question my life decisions!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Subtleties of Law

Becca: It's not illegal unless they press charges.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What do you really think?

Rachel: You are cunning and a Mistress of Evil.
Becca: True, but it has nothing to do with Nano.
Rachel: And everything to do with the very evil nature of your being.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Tell that to the Scots

Rachel: does scotland count as "not england"?
Becca: no