Monday, February 27, 2006


Some people have been seriously slacking in their manamana-ing (you know who you are!). Are you guys even out there still? If you won't update, you could at least comment!.

And because this is a quote page:

Becca: Rachel, you're a kitty-friend.
Rachel: Is that because I like to cuddle?
Becca: Yes.

Which reminds me of an old Wyma (philosophy prof at Whitworth) quote:

Keith: I'll grant you that cats are aware - evil - but aware.

So true, so true.

Evil Giraffes?

Chris (while Rob writing down evil laugh quote and reciting it outloud): Did you just say drunken evil giraffe?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Becs on DEWM

Rachel: ohhhh
Rachel: um
Rachel: a qualified disaster
Rebecca: nice!
Rebecca: er, i didn't mean that
Rachel: yes you did

Evil Laughs

In the middle of our third round of drinks and at the point where playing Smash Brothers on the gamecube was really starting to get interesting...

Rob: ::evil laugh::
Chris: That was quite an evil laugh.
Rob: Yah, that was my drunken evil laugh.
Chris: Everybody needs a good drunken evil laugh.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Rachel: Chris is like a puppy-friend.

Friday, February 17, 2006


*while looking at the ever darkening sky*

Natalie Miller: *regarding the weather* I call shananigans!
Jessica: On who? God?
Natalie Miller: *thinks for a moment* I don't think you can call shananigans on God...


Chris: "I need the help of my big pencil.... No comments, please."

I am a Rock

Rachel: (refering to Becca's shirt) "Mt. Bachelor? Shouldn't Chris be wearing that shirt?"


Rachel: "So you left me all the foam? Typical boy."
Rebecca: "So all he left you was the head?"


Chris: "You know what rehab backwards spells? BEER!"

Friday, February 10, 2006

The truth comes out

Becca: So I'm a snob.
Chris: You're also a bish.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Cool vs. Hot

Rob: Car is cooler than girlfriend. *pause* But girlfriend is hotter.

(Robert on why his phone has a picture of his car as its background and not a picture of his girlfriend)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lust Party

Nat: What just happened?
Jessica: You blew your stuff in my face!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Del Taco

While in the drive thru for del taco...

Chris: I thought that I ordered the soft taco...
Jess's Nat: No Chris, that was your nickname.

I want to love you! PYT! Pretty young thing!

Going through the Del Taco drive-thru listening to Michael Jackson's PYT. Natalie Miller, Rob, and Chris rocking out in back. Becca and I laughing at them in the front.

Natalie Miller: Hey guys! It's business up front, party in the back!
Me: We're a mullet!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

This party is going to be off the hook!

Natalie Miller: You two discussed philosophy. You're pratically soul mates.

Becca: 30 bucks, not bad for a night of....
Rob: Debauchery?
Becca: Yeah, that's what I was going to say.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

hanging gardens of babylon

rachel and chris: *hide from becca*

rachel: i've got the gin

chris: why do you have ginny? what did she ever do to you? you... rachelmort!

rachel: *dies laughing*